ending of Slumdog Millionaire is powerful; for the narrative, the characters
and the audience.”
•Respond to this statement with your
opinions, supporting your ideas with evidence from the narrative and the film
form. Such as, how the ending concludes a number of narrative structures,
including the equilibrium theory, binary oppositions and the enigma theory and
evaluate how these conclusions contribute to making the end powerful [15]
The ending of slumdog millionaire is very powerful for the narrative as it was a doomed love story from the begining, (which you wouldnt expect from a hollywood film.) The two lovers - Jamal and Latika - are both from unforchanate backgrounds where they lived in slums most there life and didnt have much money. Jamal goes onto win lots of money when applying to be on "who wants to be a millionaire" in hope of reaching out to Latika and finally finding her after searching for years. Slumdog milllonaire uses a circular narrative, meaning it starts at the end, the flashes back to recap events throughout the film. The narrative of the story is dominant as (Danny Boyle) concudes three story lines through out the film. Jamal getting forcefully questioned and interrigated by the police - as they think he was cheating on the show "who wants to be a millionaire." Jamal trying to win the money on the show, and Jamals life story - the events that lead him to knowing the answers of the questions. This stratagy is powerful for the audience as it always shows different things at different times, making it more engaging. all of the story lines (known as the 3 strands) follow Todorovs theory as all the story lines are linear. Theyre just not presented in a linear order. Flash backs also show us the difference between the situations and how Jamal dealt them all. It makes us aware of the type of character he is and shows us what type of person he’s become through all his life decisions.

The enigma theory is applied constantly throughout the film, however its hghlighted in the opening scene the most. When we question:
Who are those people?
Why is he in that situation?
What has he done that’s so bad?
What’s going on?