Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Fighting with my family

As a young girl, Page feels like an outsider when she leaves to go to america. This is shown when she gets to the house and meets the other typical barbie american doll stereotypes. Page sees that they're all tanned and wear very little clothing (costume - mise-en-scene) PAge feels like a outsider because shes walked into a completely different world to her small world.

In fighting with my family, class is shown when pages' manager shouts at her in the ring because hes angry. He sees pages (from Britain) as a lower class due to the facts shes from a cancel estate in Norwich, and he shows his superiority and dominance as he makes page feel small through sound.

The representation of disability is positive. This is evidence through the casting of a blind character, Callum, and his character expression and movement (an element of mise - en - scene) as well as his dialogue throughout the film. Callum challenges the conventional representation of disability of being weak, passive, an outsider etc. Instead, with support from the group callum joins in and learns to wrestle just like the able bodied people.


Coursework Analysis and Planning  - Teen Movie Task 1: > Research 3 existing professional-made film openings from the genre you are wanti...